Epinex research into glycated albumin testing has resulted in the publication of a peer-reviewed journal article and two research reviews, authored by our Science Advisory Board member, H. Vernon Roohk, Ph.D.
Future submissions to scientific and medical research journals regarding the clinical efficacy of glycated albumin and the application of Epinex detection technology to advanced glycation endproducts are forthcoming.
A Review of Glycated Albumin as an Intermediate Glycation Index for Controlling Diabetes; H. Vernon Roohk, Ph.D. and Asad R. Zaidi, B.Sc., B.S.; Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2008.
This article reviews glycated albumin (GA) as a potential intermediate-term glycation index to fill the gap between self- monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) and hemoglobin A1c testing in diabetes management. The introduction gives an assessment of available short-, medium-, and long-term glycemic indicators.
Review: Current Glycemic Testing: A Review Of Blood Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Glycated Albumin Values; Vernon Roohk, Ph.D.; University Of California, Irvine, Ca;; Epinex Diagnostics, June 2006.
Measurement of the percentage of glycated albumin has been proposed as an improved diabetes control index based on levels of short-to-intermediate glycation. This article presents a critique of current methods of monitoring glycemia in diabetics, followed by a detailed discussion of current and historical information on the range of reported values for glycated albumin in normal and diabetic subjects derived from a number of different test methodologies.
Abstract: Blood Testing And Monitoring For Type 2 Diabetes Control; Vernon Roohk, Ph.D.; University Of California, Irvine; et al.; Epinex Diagnostics, June 2006.
This abstract presents a brief review of the principal methods of glycation assessment for control of diabetes, including hemoglobin A1C, fructosamine and glycated albumin.